Michael Fisher


Amherst, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Do you have a Website you'd like to recommend?
City and State?
Buffalo, NY
Professional Background
Nationally Certified Instructional Coach and Educational Consultant, primarily around Curriculum Mapping and Instructional Technology.
What information do you hope to gain from the Visual Teaching Network?
I hope to find more resources to help enhance my own practice and help others develop theirs.

Comment Wall:

  • Timothy Gangwer

    Hey, Michael. Welcome aboard. We look forward to your posts.
  • Timothy Gangwer

    Actually I'm in the Austin area, which is about a 90 minute drive from San Antonio. I get there a lot, so count on an opportunity to do some networking. Incidentally, feel free to post your "Digital Blooms" piece. I think it's a strong visual to a 21st century learner.