The Following Are Indicators Of A Visual Spatial Learning Style Coupled With An Auditory Sequential Processing Weakness.

This indicator is to be used for initial identification only. If the majority of these characteristics are present, it is probable that the child has a Visual Spatial Learning style coupled With an Auditory Sequential information processing weakness. However, this is not definitive and the child should then be referred for formal identification.

It can also be helpful to have an assessment of Central Auditory Information Processing by an Audiologist.

1. IQ Assessment Indicators
• has above average overall intelligence
• a scatter of scores on the IQ sub-tests
• scores on the Performance Sub-scale are generally higher than the scores on Verbal Sub-scale
• generally high scores on activities involving visual spatial ability e.g. Block Design, Object Assembly, Similarities
• generally low scores on activities involving auditory sequential ability e.g. Digit Span, Working Memory, Coding, Arithmetic

2. A history of any of: ear infections, allergies, asthma, eczema, tonsillitis, sinusitis, food intolerances within the first 5 years

3. Had conductive hearing loss in early childhood

4. Inattentive and easily distracted

5. Has a poor sense of time and does poorly on timed tests

6. Poor short term memory/good long-term memory

7. Has difficulty finishing tasks/school work

8. Has poor handwriting or difficulty keeping in the lines or grips the pen very hard and presses on the paper when writing

9. Has poor listening skills, often seems not to be listening

10. Does not maintain eye contact

11. Has difficulty with spelling and/or reading

12. Has difficulty with times tables and/or computation

13. Likes complex ideas and tasks and does well on them yet fails at simple tasks

14. reads well silently but has difficulty with reading aloud

15. Has an abundance of physical energy, fidgets constantly, difficulty sitting still

16. Is very creative

17. Good (and often very different) sense of humour

18. Is emotionally very sensitive

19. Is extremely sensitive to criticism

20. Extreme physical sensitivity e.g. acute hearing/intense reactions to loud noises, bright lights, smells, touch

21. Loves Lego, puzzles, jigsaws, computers, computer games, television, making things

22. Is very disorganised

23. Likes art and/or music

24. Has a vivid imagination and/or disturbing dreams

25. Can remember the way somewhere after going there only once

Source: Dr Linda Silverman, Gifted Development Center, Denver, Colorado USA

- Copyright 2003, Lesley Sword.

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