Arts is a vehicle of learning as it helps with human development in every term of understanding and learning different concepts. It accesses to the different parts of the human brain making it easier for people to make decisions and solve problems. Art education has different meanings to different people, it imparts knowledge in numerous fields such as music, theatre, visual arts and many more. Art education plays an essential role in the education system as it encourages engagement and creativity and helps one think outside the box. Studying arts not only helps in the academic performance but it also improves learning in subjects like sciences, math or literature through visual formats instead of numbers or words.
In this article we will shed light on to the reasons as to why art education is considered important.
Growth Mindset
Through arts education, people develop skills such as resilience, determination and a growth mindset to help them in their academic life as well as when entering the real world. In recent studies, it was shown that the art education exposes students to such activities that it enhances their physical and mental development. Exposure to arts education helps them in motor skills and problem-solving abilities. Arts makes one more observant and it is also known to reduce stress.
Risk- Taking
Art education allows kids to take more risks in their projects because there is a flexibility in the outcomes, kids don’t tend to feel as much pressure as when they must create something. Students know that the desired project would be accepted even if it didn’t look exactly as compared to other projects so this helps build a sense of confidence among kids which may also be fruitful in other areas as well.
Mostly the subjects in the educational system are based on facts but in the art education, it is entirely different. Art education rather offers a more open approach and celebrates all kinds of differences in the finished products. It helps the students in understanding that there is always another way to complete the project. Art education also helps students express their emotions through pieces of artwork.
Art education is always an enjoyable project for the students as they are better able to concentrate on the given tasks, sticking with it from beginning to the very end. It helps them get creative with no pressure on them. Finishing the projects, often give these kids a sense of accomplishment, which can be empowering as these students may be struggling and finding it hard in other subject areas.
Decision Making Skills
Art education helps to strengthen critical thinking and decision-making ability. Learning how to make decisions will certainly carry over into students’ education as well as other aspects of their life in the future as this is considered a valuable skill in the adulthood. When children are encouraged to make their own decision, they start understanding the idea that they can innovate and interpret the world around them. Decision making will help the child lose that fear of failure. While art education helps kids in understanding the world around them, it also helps that the child becomes an independent innovator and a creative thinker.
Visual Learning
The art of visual learning develops unique and powerful ways of understanding, knowing and representing, understandings about the world. Experiences of creating and interacting with works of art are vital for every student. It teaches students to think and observe the environments around them, think creatively, explore ideas and apply their imaginations. Students need to know more about the world than what they can only learn through words or numbers. It teaches students how to criticize, use visual information, interpret and how to make decisions based on it.
Many of the arts such as dance, theatre, music requires kids to work together as a team. These kids learn to share responsibility and compromise to achieve a common goal. At an early age, kids learn that their contribution to the group, is integral to its success. Even if they don’t have the lead role, it matters. At that early age, they learn to work together in a team and open about their ideas, it also boosts up their confidence level.
Increased Student Engagement
Art education focuses mainly on positive achievements and fosters collaborations. Art education provides numerous opportunities for the students to demonstrate their skills through authentic performances. It enables students to grow in confidence and to learn to think in a positive manner about themselves as well as learning. It helps give students a new medium to connect to new knowledge to personal experiences and by helping them to express what they have learned to other people.
Learning Positive Attitude and Habits
Art education helps foster a positive culture. Creating a painting, singing, learning to dance or learning some musical instrument teaches kids that being persistent, practicing improving or being patient are important factors for the growth and improvement of the children. Students gain confidence as they try accomplishing things that they may not find easy. Through the idea of artistic education, it helps develop character among young people. Students learn habits and behaviors that are necessary for success in any field of life.
Art Enhances Creativity
Art education helps student perform better on assessments, these students show greater flexibility and arability in thinking than the students who are not introduced to the art education. Art education helps students to think in an innovative way, bring out all levels of creativity and create original pieces, writing plays, producing theatre dramas and developing their own rhythms. Art education provides an amazing environment for fostering creativity, which is a very important skill to have in a rapidly changing world.
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